The Language Choices of Our Thai Family

When comes to language choice(s), it is never static. (REMEMBER THAT)
It is important for us to understand a language choice is often affected by the context and the attitude giving to the language in such context. In this case, we are investigating the choice of the Ley's family in the context of Hong Kong as well as Thailand.
In Hong Kong
The symbolic power of languages other than Thai is bigger.
For instance, English is considered the global lingua franca. Hong Kong, being a global city, values English over other minority languages. To master English means to have a better opportunity in education and employment. On the other hand, the language of Thai does not enjoy such positive association, thus causing the Thai language to be a lower symbolic power (remember it is in the context of HK). In this sense, a shift in using English is expected and, indeed, observable in the case of the daughters.
“I haven’t had any form of institutional education on Thai. even my mother has never taught me Thai formally. I did take English tutorial classes at secondary school.”
- Elder daughter
“It is good to know more languages.”
“I have studied French in secondary school.”
- Younger daughter
Apart from the symbolic power of English as a social capital for education and employment. Some other languages also have the power to symbolize 'coolness' or educated. Languages like French, as suggested by the younger daughter, might be one of them. The elder daughter, indeed, learned Japanese and Korean out of a similar reason (plus she is also interested in learning those languages). Under this circumstances, the daughters have, once again, shifted away from the learning and using of Thai, as other languages might more 'cool' to be associated with.
In Thailand
Thai does have its own symbolic power, however, it is pretty restricted to the context of Thailand (at least that's how the Ley family sees it. For the father, he does believe Thai has the symbolic power of being a social capital like English. However, this power only works when the daughters are in Thailand and plan to stay there.
"My father has thought about using a combination of Cantonese and Thai in raising me and my sister, so to make living and working in Thailand more convenient to us.
- Elder daughter